

“All the worthwhile and precious things in life are only obtained through continuous and exacting effort, and their worth is in direct proportion to the effort put forth for their attainment.”

罗素E. 劳伦斯


正是对未来的坚定信念激励了罗素. 劳伦斯 to found a university in 1932 – in the midst of the economic chaos of the Great Depression. While less farsighted individuals made predictions of gloom, Russell 劳伦斯 and his brother, E. 乔治·劳伦斯(1934年至1964年领导劳伦斯理工学院), turned a dream of preparing students for leadership in the new technical era into reality.

超过85年, 劳伦斯科技持续繁荣并加速发展, 锤炼其教育理念的理论与实践, 建立重要的社区和专业联盟, 并与公司建立合作关系, 组织, 以及雇佣劳伦斯理工校友的行业.

韦恩·H. 过活, who served as president from 1964 to 1977 and as chair of the board and chief executive officer until 1981, worked to build a firm foundation for the 大学’s early emergence as a technological leader. He first advanced the notion that 劳伦斯 Tech was a private college serving a public purpose.

劳伦斯理工学院的第一个宿舍, 布尔管理大楼, 唐·瑞德勒庄园, 这是对工程设施的主要补充, 研究生课程的回归, and the massive growth of computer facilities marked the tenure of Richard E. 马伯格, who served as president from 1977 to 1993 and as chair of the 校董会 and chief executive officer, 1981–93.


查尔斯M. Chambers became president in 1993 and served until he was named chancellor in 2006. 在他担任总统期间, he oversaw significant enhancement of the 大学’s international reputation as a distinguished center of technological education and research. A 战略计划 and Campus Master Plan were adopted to guide the 大学. Other achievements include the construction of the 大学 Technology and Learning Center, 大学, 爱德华·唐利宿舍楼(原北楼), 的一个. 阿尔弗雷德·陶布曼学生服务中心, and the Center for Innovative Materials Research; a redeveloped campus quadrangle; establishment of a 教师 Senate; creation of Michigan’s first completely wireless laptop campus; and expanded bookstore, 餐厅, 学生活动设施.

刘易斯N. 沃克于2006年2月被任命为临时总统, 2006年7月成为总统, 2012年7月出任校长. 他之前曾担任教务长, 大学的首席学术官, 以及执行副总裁. 在沃克, 劳伦斯 Tech aggressively expanded programs in emerging economic sectors such as robotics, 国防, 和可持续性, including “fast track” certificate programs to help professionals retool themselves for new careers. He was committed to developing the leadership skills of 劳伦斯 Tech’s students and worked with faculty to add a leadership component to the curricula of all undergraduate programs. He forged partnerships with universities worldwide that brought international students to campus and provided further opportunities for 劳伦斯 Tech students to study abroad. He also oversaw the reinvigoration of student life and return of varsity sports to campus.

Virinder K. 穆吉尔是劳伦斯科技公司第七任总裁,于2012年7月上任. He has had a long career as a professor and university administrator and was an active researcher in the molecular mechanisms of steroid hormone action and the hormonal regulation of breast cancer. 在利记sbo, Moudgil主持了A的建设和完成. Alfred Taubman 工程, Architecture, and Life Sciences Complex, the Lloyd E. 罗伊斯宿舍和东宿舍. 利记sbo's Detroit Center for Design and Technology opened in 2014 and houses many of the 大学's urban programs. 该大学的企业中心于2016年添加到主校区. Moudgil also launched the Global Village program to help all 利记sbo students learn more about other cultures and the interconnectedness of the world economy.

花花公子劳伦斯 Tech was founded on the principle that every person should have the opportunity for a college education. 从一开始, 学生入学没有种族限制, 性, color, 信条, or national or ethnic origin – only the requirement that students qualify for admission and have the desire to succeed. Working students could earn a baccalaureate degree by attending evening programs, 天计划, or a combination of the two – a feature unique in 1932 and still remarkable today.

这所学校最初被称为劳伦斯理工学院. 它现在的名字, 利记sbo, 在1月1日获得批准, 1989, 由密歇根州政府批准, and more clearly describes 劳伦斯 Tech’s undergraduate and graduate mission.

劳伦斯 Tech was founded as a college of engineering with only a few hundred students and a handful of faculty. 如今,它在四所学院开设了100多个项目, 总入学人数约为3人,000名学生, 拥有400多名全职和兼职教师. In terms of enrollment, 劳伦斯 Tech is among Michigan’s largest independent colleges.

In 1950, associate programs were added to 劳伦斯 Tech’s baccalaureate offerings. In 1952 the College of Business and Information Technology was re-established, 起源于早期的工业工程课程. 1989年开设管理学硕士学位课程. The College of Architecture and Design evolved in 1962 from the former architectural engineering department and in 1993 launched a Master of Architecture program. 文理学院成立于1967年. Master’s degree programs in engineering were begun in 1990 and in Arts and Sciences in 1997. 2002年开设博士学位点.


Concurrently, there has been an enormous expansion and improvement of facilities. 该大学的第一个校区位于高地公园, in a building leased from Henry Ford adjacent to the huge manufacturing facility where he built the Model T and perfected the moving assembly line. 随着入学人数的增加, the 大学 acquired acreage in Southfield and in 1955 opened its first building on what had been a General Mills research farm. 此后,校园扩大到107英亩,拥有17座主要建筑, as well as the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Affleck House in Bloomfield Hills, 是1978年捐赠给大学的.

In 2011 competitive athletics returned to campus with the 大学’s entry into the National Association of Intercollegiate 利记SBOBET网页版. 利记sbo现在支持26支男子和女子棒球队, 篮球, 打保龄球, 越野, 足球, 高尔夫球, 冰上曲棍球, 长曲棍球, 足球, 垒球, 网球, 还有排球,还有一支乐队, 军乐队, 还有舞团.

该大学还与亚洲的合作大学提供课程, 欧洲, 墨西哥, 以及中东地区.
